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Men's Rights vs Women's Rights
Orlando Divorce Attorneys & Child Custody Lawyers
We represent people in divorce and paternity cases involving minor children. If you have custody involving your children, call us today to speak with an experienced attorney about your situation. At the Wilson Law Firm, we work to protect your interests and to assist you in resolving your situation in an effective and efficient manner.
Florida Law on Men’s Rights & Women’s Rights:
People sometimes have a misunderstanding that the other side has an advantage or disadvantage in their divorce or paternity cases regarding their children, alimony, distribution of assets and liabilities or other issues due to their specific gender. While this may have been true years ago, the law and preconceived notions of society have changed, and for many years now, both men and women have an equal footing in divorce and paternity cases.
Father’s Rights & Mother’s Rights Regarding Children:
It is the public policy of Florida to assure that each minor child has frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the parents separate or the marriage of the parties is dissolved and to encourage parents to share the rights and responsibilities, and joys, of childrearing.
As of July 1, 2023, there is also now a rebuttable presumption that equal time-sharing of a minor child is in the best interests of the minor child. To rebut this presumption, a party must prove by a preponderance of the evidence that equal time-sharing is not in the best interests of the minor child.
This does not mean that everyone will have a 50/50 time-sharing schedule. In some cases, it will be in the child’s best interest to have more time sharing with one parent than the other. In other cases, it may be in the child’s best interest to have an equal amount of time sharing with each parent. There are a number of factors the Court will consider in establishing the time-sharing schedule for a minor child.
Law Firms Marketing to Men or Women
Some law firms will market themselves towards a specific gender in divorce and paternity cases, making it appear as though they have more knowledge in representing that particular gender. While this may be an effective marketing tool, you will not get any advantage by hiring their law firm as opposed to any other competent law firm.
Don't be fooled by these marketing tactics and pay higher fees for services that are not providing you any advantage. Again, all of the laws in Florida are gender neutral in divorce and paternity cases. Attorneys follow the same rules to introduce evidence. They use similar methods to present their cases regardless of which gender they are representing. We recommend people look for a competent experienced law firm they communicate well with and feel comfortable representing them in case.
Orlando Child Custody and Divorce Attorney:
Call us today to speak directly with one of our experienced Orlando child custody and divorce attorneys about your situation. Our attorneys have handled thousands of cases during their legal careers. We work to protect your interests and to assist you in resolving your situation in an effective and efficient manner.